Dr.Cyj Hair FIller

1 hr

Are you tired of weak, brittle and falling hair?

Then this hair filler complex will be just right for you! DR CYJ hair filler is known as the world’s first hair filler injection that’s solely created for treating hair problems including hair fall, improving thickness and more. It acts through a revitalisation of the skin cells and the scalp, promotes blood circulation on the surface of the head, improves blood circulation. It also revives hair follicles, stimulates hair growth, stimulates follicular growth, and prevents hair loss.

DR.CYJ Hair Filler was developed on the basis of an innovative peptide complex, reticulated hyaluronic acid and designed to stimulate hair growth and restore the skin of the scalp.
The product results in hair regrow within 2 months.

Price: From £350.00


PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Therapy Hair, Body, Face NanoSoft


PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp.

PRP injections trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft. Sometimes this approach is combined with other hair loss procedures or medications.
For the face ... the treatment has became famous after becoming popular facial treatment among celebrities. It is a combination of the effective Platelet Rich Palsma ( PRP) and Microneedling treatments in one.

Price: From £350.00